Thursday, April 25, 2013

My First Post

              WOW.... I am actually typing my first Blog Post..... I always used to just browse through blogs by others and always wondered how nice it would be to have your own blog. I just randomly decided that I will dedicate this blog to share my experience watching 'Korean Drama'.. LOL...

Watching Korean Drama is the latest trend in my part of the world. And I am addicted to them like anything..
First of all I would like to say 'Koreans I Love YOU guys (n Girls obviously)'... Their Drama is nothing like the kinda serials(Indian family Dramas) here. They are more entertaining romantic action packed and what not....

Thus far I have watched like 15 Dramas in the past 1 month. Everyday after work I am glued to my laptop watching one episode after the other. My sleeping habit changed from early sleeper to late night sleeper or insomniac (sometimes). I even started learning Hangul and speaking Korean which proved to be pretty easy.
So as time allows I will share my experience and critics of all the dramas I watched thus far.

Please NOTE: All ratings and critics in this blog are solely my own and has no relation to Universally or otherwise acknowledged rating organizations..... 

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